Downloads - more information about MOVE

A child´s right to MOVE
A child's right to move.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 84.9 KB
News about MOVE in Austria and Europe
move in europe and austria-new.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 278.2 KB
MOVE in Doha - Qatar 2008
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.0 MB


Have a look at our Videos:


MOVE - Movement for life - Melanie is talking about 3 years with MOVE


MOVE-Song-presentation - especially composed for the MOVE-Regional-Center of Excellence in Austria





MOVE - An Introduction


MOVE is an innovative program which combines therapy and education to most effectively teach children and adults with physical disabilities and complex needs functional activities based on the skills of sitting, standing and walking and transferring. The improved independence allows these children and adults to take greater control of their lives and be more included in society.


The MOVE program was originally written by Linda Bidabe, California for students in special schools, many of whom had profound and multiple disabilities. Now the MOVE program is used in many countries throughout the world to help individuals of all ages, with disabilities to gain maximum independence.


Why use the MOVE Programme?


         To provide a “TEAM” framework to support people with disabilities and their carers

         To integrate teaching, therapy and family skills to gain maximum benefit for the child

         To provide a program where participants naturally practice motor skills while engaged in everyday activity

         To reduce time and energy for routine care

         To provide a way to measure small increments and improvements

         To demonstrate health, educational and social outcomes in line with legislation

         To change attitudes and enable children and adults with disabilities to lead more inclusive, meaningful lives


How does it work?


The program focuses on a team approach and involves all those people, who work with each individual disabled person, e.g. parents, teachers, physiotherapists, occupational therapist, doctors and care assistants.

MOVE uses a top down approach that focuses on activities that people are motivated to achieve, rather than what they can not do. Because the tasks are functional they should be practised throughout the day. As the whole team is involved in planning the programme, the skills should be practised and reinforced at home and in school or day centre. This ensures that skills are learnt more quickly.

The program begins with a MOVE assessment. The process is in six stages and is clearly laid out in the MOVE Assessment Profile.


Purpose of equipment


Some specialised equipment manufactured by Rifton may be used on the program as a tool for learning new skills. It is designed to help support the student while movement is being taught and that assistance can be reduced as the person gains motor skills. It allows the student to practice motor skills independently. Of course it places the student at a better level for interaction.


The Six Steps of MOVE





         Step One:        Assessment

An interview assessment with the child and main carer

        Step Two:        Setting goals

Select specific functional activities important for the child

         Step Three:      Task Analysis

            Select the critical skills necessary to perform the activities

         Step Four:       Measuring Prompts

Chart the amount of assistance required to participate in the activity

         Step Five:        Reducing prompts

Form a plan to systematically reduce assistance over a period of time

         Step Six:          Teaching the skills

Incorporate the teaching of each skill into the child’s day



Step Two – Setting goals


This is the most important step of MOVE!

When persons are motivated they will achieve!


         We help the child and his family identify functional goals that are important to them.


         Every individual is different, with different aspirations and wishes!


         The process of selecting goals is the first and most important aspect of achieving independence.


Sport - Goals


Very often students choose sport-goals like

"I would like to play soccer or basketball!",

even if they are not able to bear their own weight or to make steps by themselves.

The skills, that are necessary for realisation, have to be trained individually and

sometimes specialised equipment has to be provided.


The regular MOVE-training can give those children the chance to reach their sport-goal


“Stefan is a 9 year old severe handicapped boy. Until he started with MOVE, he had spent most of the time sitting in his wheel-chair. When he was asked, what skills he would like to improve, he answered clearly “I would like to play soccer!” With the help of the MOVE-program he is now able to take part in an indoor-game for 10 minutes playing and running in a gait trainer.

Imagine, how he is smiling!” MOVE-Consultant Claudia Penn, Austria





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